Creating a Series of work is a great way of exploring design concepts in greater depth and expanding on evolving ideas. With each piece, one modifies, improves and refines the design. Achieving higher goals, smoothing techniques and finding the perfect balance is always the aim!
turquoise circle series
Turquoise has always been revered by the Navajo, Zuni, Hopi and many other tribes as a symbol of life, good fortune and wealth. In addition to turquoise, I use other stone circles in my pieces. I am attracted to the shape by the solidity and the concept of ancient circles with a pattern running endlessly around and around.
karm tribal series
The KARM series is a comfortable, personal blend of my African Tribal sensibilities with the stunning South West and North West tribal designs that I am beginning to know and understand. Each drawing that I make has roots and relevance and honors the original tribe.
The tiny hand-drawn bubbles reference my theory that HOPE FLOATS.
The bubbles represent hope and joy. Imagine the tingle of bubbles on your tongue and the pleasure they invoke. See the light and color that each bubble reflects, be it the edge of the ocean or a glass of soda.
ancient vessel series
Ancient Vessels is a nod to famous veteran woodturner Richard Raffin. Simple vessels gain a new identity with the addition of metallic patina on the outside and warm and vibrant color on the interior.
all dressed up series
For me, each hand-turned bowl become a canvas to embellish with paint, ink, airbrushing, carving and piercing. Some result in a simple, one-color design while other become a joyous cacophony of color.
bejewelled series
The bejewelled series harks back to my time as a jewelry designer and manufacturer. I am still deeply attracted to gems and beads and I believe that the simplicity of a hand-turned wooden bowl combined with organic stones and gems results in a very harmonious blend of wood-turning with jewelry design.
paper dreams series
Paper Dreams involves the time consuming process of repurposing discarded books into paper tubes, painstakingly layering them in a bowl and finally coloring them with acrylic ink. I must credit the concept of the Paper Dreams Series to Washington artist and turner Helga Winter. These are large Gallery rather than functional pieces but guaranteed to attract attention.
simply organic series
This vessel comprising a Madrone base, Maple lid and raw Cherry finial, exemplifies the concept of the simply organic series. Organic simplicity is achieved by the use of beautiful wood turned with an eye for figure in the wood and detail in the design.