Some searching on the subject elicited this definition; "The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination". That leaves things pretty wide open! However, it does go on to say; "typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power." #whatisart
Ages ago I had a debate with an artist who was strenuously defending another artist who's piece consisted of dead fish pegged to a line. She was effusing over this work, hailing it as groundbreaking. Personally I don't think this falls into the "appreciated for their beauty" category, however generating "emotional power" could possibly work!
Returning to "What Is Art", adding the word "Visual" is not really narrowing things down much, as visual arts cover an entire gamut of specialties. #visualarts
I don't think that many people would argue that painted images in various media, like oil, acrylic and watercolor, pastels, charcoal etc are to be included. Of course there are those who say that water paint is of significantly lower value than oil paint, but that is another discussion entirely. Personally I think that watercolor is an extremely difficult medium to master really well and I have only the deepest respect for those who have this ability! I own some truly beautiful water-color pieces that are strong and powerful in spite of being quite ethereal! But oops, I got sidetracked, this happens so easily! #watercolor #oilpaint
Back to the discussion. How about the art work that goes into, say animated movies. There is masses of computer generated work around these days, but there are some gorgeous bits of skill to be found. We accidentally watched an animated movie the other day that turned out to be far cleverer and entertaining than expected There was a character that we thought was brilliant, an ageing rock-star in an old, leather jacket who happened to be a lion, complete with scar on the nose, he was brilliant! #animation
"Beauty" it is said, "is in the eye of the beholder." Makes sense, the sunset that takes my breath away may leave you totally unmoved. We can talk about truly creative fashion, the couturier that charges thousands of dollars for a dress and the customer who pays it, can't be wrong! How about something even "wilder" (sorry, couldn't help myself), garden design. There are many famous gardens and garden designers. Capability Brown comes instantly to mind, his gardens are still much loved, admired and emulated. He certainly has brought joy to millions of people over a long period of time. Is that the secret, is art the ability to bring joy to people? Not an original thought I am sure, but possibly a good start to a definition. #couturier #gardendesign #artasjoy
One must then consider architecture, be it the design and creation of a single home, or something much grander and universally viewed like an opera house, a bridge, a skyscraper. This is something to consider, would you consider architecture to be art? #architecture
But enough for now, this could easily turn into a novella. there is just so much to discuss!
I will end this here with a "to be continued" sign and invite your comments!